
A New (for me) Warrior Transmog

Several weeks ago, after going through a cash-rebuilding spree following my splurge on Poseidus, I found myself awash in thorium and old world gems.  I was flipping through my various crafting books, looking for something that might make me more cash than the raw ore and gems themselves, when I (re)discovered the Enchanted Thorium Plate.  I was something of a completionist on my blacksmith for recipes 300 skill level or lower, so I did a lot of the blacksmithing quests and went through becoming a swordsmith on her.

So a couple weeks pass with me trying to unload the breastplate and pants on the auction house, but unfortunately my blacksmith is on Bronzebeard and not a fashion-conscious RP server.  What did this mean?  My warrior got a new look:

Boots, for a troll, are of course the hardest part, so I'm still using the Shinkicker boots I put on her as soon as transmogrification was put in.  A lot of the rest of the pieces changed, though.

  • Helm:  I keep it hidden, so I haven't bothered.
  • Cloak:  Similarly, I like the clean, no-cloak look on my warrior.
  • ChestEnchanted Thorium Breastplate.  There are some "same model as" options, but none of them have the attacked choker.  I really like the black/gold/steel coloring and the arm detail.
  • LegsEnchanted Thorium Leggings.  I like the color contrast between the leggings and the breastplate; same color scheme, but the black leggings give the set a better look than if the steel were dominate here.  These pants are decidedly low-riders if you forgo a belt.
  • Shoulders: Stormforged Shoulders.  These are a great color match for the Enchanted Thorium look, although they do sharply highlight the improvement in graphics detail between Vanilla WoW and Cataclysm.
  • Feet:  My beloved Shinkicker Boots.  A few other boots still available in the game (Gothic Sabatons, Heavy Lamellar Boots) have the same clean lines, but the color doesn't go quite as well.
  • HandsYmirjar Lord's Handguards.  I was having trouble finding gloves I liked to go with the set, but flipping through my banked items, I found my tier 10 gloves.  The color isn't a perfect match, but the overall look (dark, metallic, with yellow/gold scrollwork) works overall.
  • Wrists:  Since they're hidden by the gloves, I didn't bother transmogrifying the wrists.
  • Waist:  The old-school Belt of Might.  I am loving this belt and finding that it goes with damned near anything I want to dress up my troll in.
  • Shield:  FOR THE HORDE!  Ahem, still the Tyrant's Shield.  (If you follow the link over to WoWhead, I have the pants... if you can call them pants... in that first screenshot in the bank, but opted against having my troll's cheeks free to the wind.  I'm curious now what they'd look like on a tauren.)
  • SwordBlazing Rapier.  The sword, like the gloves, was something I was having trouble finding something I liked that worked through the set.  But, as I mentioned, my blacksmith is a swordsmith, and lo and behold, the Blazing Rapier.  It doesn't show up in the screen-grab from the armory, but if you look at the WoWhead link, you can see that it has its own fire aura.  This was especially awesome because I hate how (the admittedly cheap) Mending glow looked.  (If I can get a weapon of a higher ilvl than 346, I'll put something better on it.)