
Bait & Switch

I was driving to work yesterday when I realized, "[swear words], this was another Old God end boss expansion!"  We were all so excited to be getting rid of Garrosh and fighting Sha that the bait and switch of handing us another Old God to defeat initially didn't register on my radar.

Now, I like the Old God plotlines, really, because there's so much ambiguity about whether they're good for, bad for, or just there with regards to Azeroth.  But four out of five expansions?
  • Vanilla WoW: C'Thun
  • Burning Crusade:  Woohoo Outland!  Sticking it to the Legion!
  • Wrath of the Lich King: Yogg-Saron
  • Cataclysm:  N'Zoth, though we never confront ... him? it? directly
  • Mists of Pandaria:  Y'Shaarj

You know what?  I think we're due for another Burning Legion expansion.

Loose Threads

With the Siege of Orgrimmar out, the end results of the raid (what happens to Garrosh and who will be the next warchief) are readily available on the various fan sites, videos included.

So... what hasn't been wrapped up?  I'm not a story or lore expert, but these are some things I was thinking about this morning when I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep.

  • Wrathion's Burning Legion obsession.  If the baby dragon is as right as he is certain, the Legion is coming back.  When?  In what form?  We don't know yet, and we don't know which of Azeroth's various lore figure will be marshaled against them, but I wouldn't be surprised if Wrathion is pulling a lot of the strings to fight them.
  • The Zandalari.  We took the Thunder King away from them again, but Zandalar is still, so far as I know, sinking into the ocean out there somewhere, and the Zandalari trolls still need a new home.
  • Sylvanas.  I can't be the only one nervous about Sylvanas having been relatively out of sight for most of the past... how many in-game months?  Last time we really saw her do anything that I recall, she was draggin Koltira off to Forsaken re-education camp.  I love my Forsaken characters, but I really don't trust her, regardless of how far I can throw her.
I don't think any of the pre-existing loose ends got wrapped up, either - Alleria/Turalyon are still out there somewhere, etc.  I don't know what the next expansion is going to aim for, but I'm going to guess it's not any of these.